Looking for Gerrish info.!!

chris pearson

Michigan Canoe Nut
I'm looking for info on Gerrish canoes. Specifically, older models that were lashed on the ends, morticed thwarts, etc. Detail photos and dimensions would help.

Check with Dave McDaniel or Jerry Stelmock, possibly Rollin too. I know for certain that both Dave and Jerry have worked on them. Dave has that BEAUTIFUL 14 footer.
I did an article on what I believe is still the oldest Gerrish around (1870s) that was in Wooden Canoe in December 04.
Steve Lapey has it.
Sweet! I'll check out the article. I'm looking for very early. As early as I can get. Do you have Steves email or phone number?
Dave McD's is also quite early and pretty original - lashed ends. I think you can see it in the WCHA video during the Paddleby part of Assembly. Pale grayish green.
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Hi Chris,

Here are some detail pictures of the old Gerrish that is resting comfortably in my barn.

The first one shows the details of the lashing on the stern deck. It appears that the lashing was done with regular caning material.

The second one shows how the thwarts are mortised into the inwales, under the rail cap. The metal straps were added at some time during a repair job, they are not original.

The third one shows how he finished off the ends of the rails with a leather cap, tacked from underneath. The stem band and the keel were added to this canoe at sometime in it's life (unfortunately). When E.H. Gerrish built the canoe he covered the ends of the stems with a strip of canvas to cover the tacks into the ends of the stems.

The fourth one is an overview of the canoe.


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Are the tacks in this canoe hand clenched? (i.e. Do the ends on the inside all turn in the same direction within a given area or do they turn around in random directions?) I'm curious to know if the early Gerrish forms had metal bands or if that was a later addition. Thanks,

Hi Benson,

I went out back and took a peek at the old Gerrish and to be truthful I have no idea of how he clenched the tacks. They are all nicely clenched and placed on the ribs but there is no real clue here as to which method he used.

Here are a couple of random close ups of some ribs.



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Hi Steve,

My guess is that they were hand clenched since they seem to all be running parallel to the rib. Thanks,
