lakefield canoe co.


New Member
Hello everyone: I was hoping to get some information on my grandfathers Lakefield canoe. It is 16 ft long and has a brass donut in the front to fit a mast and sail. I have found a number on the top of the stretcher pieces which is 18 113 16. I am assuming that the 16 means its length. I am 56 years old and it was my grandfathers..........should be 100 years old I'm thinking. Can anyone give me more information or a website to visit. Thanks..........Terry

In case you haven't come across this page in your research, it's a wonderful timeline:

I just sold an Richardson Aquacraft last week, one of the final incarnations of the original Lakefield Canoe Co. Yours is certainly much older, but may look similar depending on the model.

Best of luck, and post photos if you think of it sometime -- we love them around here.


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