Kennebec Katahdin Thwarts


student of canoes
I'm restoring a 1920 something 17' Kennebec Katahdin with the shorter decks. Unfortunately it lost its thwarts and seats long before I got my hands on it. It originally had two thwarts, no center thwart.
I can replicate the curves and overall shape but am in need of measurements at their widest and narrowest points along with their overall length. Anybody have a Katahdin that you can measure for me? Maybe some pictures too?
I've got a couple K'bec canoes in the shop. a 16' and a 17'. But I don't know what the model would be. I can measure and post back here The 17 has no center thwart, ( which I consider sinful)
Ok, I measured the 17' er. whatever model it is. The thwarts are the same. they are 29" x 2". I did not measure the thickness but assume they are 3/4 or 7/8. The width narrows to 1 1/4" at a point 5 1/2" from the ends of the thwart. The ends of the thwart are square for 3" and then the curves begin. Beware the ends of the thwarts are not cut square but follow the angle of the inwales as the canoe narrows. the 29" is the longest.

Now I wish I knew if the thwart was oval in cross section or flat on the bottom and oval on top. And I also wish I had measured the distance from center, but alas I didn't think of it when I was out there. This one is the short heart shaped deck if that means anything regarding model. The oa length is 16'10" as best I can figure.


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Thanks so much for the measurements! I also found Kathryn’s posts in the Photo Index section too. I think I’ll do okay replicating them.