kennebec/Morris torpedo

Gil Cramer

The wooden canoe Shop, Inc.
Woodwork completed on the K/M torpedo nose canoe 18'6" long. Since the seats and thwarts were not original, inwales broken,and the canoe spread dramatically, the beam was not apparent. After soaking the canoe and pulling it back into shape, the beam at the rails is now 35 3/4" with the max. beam 37". These are both without canvas and filler. The depth is 12 3/4" not including 5/32" planking. The ribs are 3/8" thick planed to 1/4" at the tips since the inwale has a 1/4" rabbet. Mahogany heart-shaped deck is approx. 13". Inwale is 1" wide, 7/8" deep, and has a 1/4" rabbet. Inwale rabbet tapered slightly starting about 18" from tip. Rib tips are planed accordingly to fit in the tapered rabbet. Extremely long planking appears to be Western red cedar and is 3 1/8" wide. Splayed stem is hardwood, and my best guess is elm.

No Kennebec canoe specs come close to matching the dimensions of the canoe. The 18 1/2' guide comes the closest, but it was much shallower. With the splayed stem, a Morris form was almost certainly used. After examining the Morris specs, the 18' model B had a 34 1/2" beam, 37 1/2" max. beam, and a 13" depth. This appears to be the closest to the canoe's dimensions, but this canoe "looked" better at the dinensions listed above. The seats were attached with steel bolts similar to Old Town diamond heads.


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Great stuff, my guess is that it was built at Kennebec after the Morris factory burned. It is too bad that you didn't find a serial number to confirm this. Thanks,

Nice. Love those big noses.

Attached are a couple photos of a 1920, 17', Kennebec that passed my way.. I swear the left lobe isn't symmetrical to the right. Looks the same on yours. Probably the camera angle.


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    1920 Ken bow deck fitting.JPG
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