Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I posted a thread a few weeks ago about my experience with a very tippy 13' Tremblay canoe. Hours after I wrote that post I was offered a 16' Great Canadian to restore. So... Yesterday I was working on this canoe and noted how much wider the canoe was with the thwarts and seats removed, and I started to wonder if maybe tippy canoes might be less tippy if their center thwart length was increased. I note that the 11' and 13' OT 50 Pounders I've owned were never tippy, so tippiness isn't necessarily due to a canoe's length, so I'm certain the roundness of a canoe's bottom is the most important factor. But perhaps this roundness might be changed by allowing the ribs to extend 'out' a bit.
Thoughts? Anybody ever try this? Guess I'll try it on the Tremblay when I have time...
Thoughts? Anybody ever try this? Guess I'll try it on the Tremblay when I have time...