Kennebec Boat & Canoe Co - S/N 18763


New Member
We've had this old canoe in our family many many years. It's been sitting in a garage for the last decade and we finally decided that we'd like to know more about it and see if it worth some restoration effort. I believe it is, but it will need some work.

I'm new to this site and will look for an area to post some pics but I figured I'd start with simply putting the info out here, and see what sort of replies came back.

Brass plate reads...
Built By
Kennebec Boat & Canoe Co.
No: 18763 (# is stamped)
Waterville, Maine

Any help with year of manufacture, etc would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for any info.

Thank you,
Lancaster, PA


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Tim, I'm sure you'll here from Dan, but go to Dragonfly canoe He has some canoe identification info on kennebec canoe co. Dave.
The Kennebec canoe with serial number 18763 is shown on pages 132 of volume three in the Kennebec ledgers. This was assigned to 17 foot long Kennebec model type A. It was planked by Morgan on April 15th, 1926. The canvas covering was applied by Tuttle and the first filler coat was applied by Shaw on the same day. The second filler coat was applied by J. Thibodeau on May 21st, 1927. The rails were installed by King on the same day. The original paint color was red. It shipped on May 26th, 1927 to location "27-399". This location is probably an order number but we don't currently have enough information to identify it.

The scans of this build record can be found by following the links at the attached thumbnail images below. These original Kennebec records are reproduced through the courtesy of the Maine State Museum.

The microfilms and scans of these records were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA). I hope that you will renew your membership or contribute to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See to learn more about the WCHA and to renew.

More information about this and other Kennebec models can be found in the Kennebec catalogs contained on the Historic Wood Canoe and Boat Company Catalog Collection available from in the WCHA store. It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match the canoe.

The information at may help you decide if it's "worth some restoration effort." It usually isn't worth doing any repairs or restoration if your intention is to just sell it. Please mention the WCHA to the buyer if you do sell it. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.



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