Just picked up an Old Town Molitor and Yankee


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I got a call from WCHA member Dan yesterday wondering if I'd be interested in his 1941 16' Yankee #131955, and his 1921 18' Molitor #66010. 24 hours later & they are mine (thanks again Dan!). He had copies of the OT build sheet for both canoes from the lady he got them from, so we're sure of the date & model.

The Molitor is especially nice with mahogany decks, seats, thwarts, as well as outer rails - maybe inner rails too. Interestingly the outer rails seem to have been held in place with nails pounded from the inside - never seen that before. Although... the outer rails are in such nice shape that perhaps they were from a later restoration. Then again the whole canoe is in quite nice condition, so maybe it's all original. Also, the decks look very Penn Yan-ish, or Morris-ish.

I braved 86 miles of NY snow, rain & wind to get them! They've got a tasty layer of road salt on then now. O well - can't be helped.

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That one canoe looks like it has untapered inwales- suggests it is maybe not what you think it is. Better photos?
Dan: So nice to have someone else geek out on this stuff! Here's more pics:

Profile does look like a Molitor, right? Sharp bend & long straight section toward the deck.20191216_092225.jpg
Deck looks like a Penn Yan to me. And the inner rails are tapered. 20191216_092338.jpg 20191216_092539.jpg
See the nails for the outer rails? 20191216_092257.jpg
The outer were also secured with 9 screws from the inside: 2 alongside each thwart, 2 by the front seat bolts, and 1 by the leading bolt on the rear seat. 20191216_092423.jpg
Forgot to mention the mahogany outer stems! 20191216_092750.jpg


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