Indian Girl

Mark Mc

Curious about Wooden Canoes

I have a Rushton Indian Girl 16 That Kathy helped me identify (thought it was a Morris). We believe it is a grade 1 with a single center thwart, and after a little Zip-Strip found the " J H Rushton, Inc. Canton, NY" 3520 on both stems.
I would be most greatful to anyone who could help with further Identification, as I am newbie to all of this.....but highly motivated!


I have a Rushton Indian Girl 16
I would be most greatful to anyone who could help with further Identification, as I am newbie to all of this.....but highly motivated!



Except to decide on the approximate build date for your IG, there is not much more information that can be offered. You have the hard part out of the way. It's a Rushton, a fine canoe to restore. If you want more information, you can post pictures of the canoe, the decks, thwarts, seats etc. and also the SN. You should consider buying copies of the Rushton catalogs that are offered here in the Online Store.
Unfortunately there are no build records for these so you will need to content yourself with generalities. You may also consider reading Atwood Manley's Rushton and his times in American Canoeing. That book s also available here.
Dating a Rushton,

We can tell that your canoe was built after 1906 because it has the "Inc." in the Rushton stamp on the stem.

Henry's son incorporated after Henry died in 1906.

You should search the forums for other Rushton related posts.

And post some pictures.

along those lines-

Is there an aproximate ser. no. that compares to the changeover? Mine is a 15' IG with ser. 3253 on both stems.
If you bring that to the Annual Assembly (July 13-18), you can get plenty of first hand info as the theme this year is Rushton!
Thanks for the resposnse guys.

Kathy suggested I might find someone with a serial # that was close, mine is 3520. Dave, seems reasonably close. (then again, I'm not sure what resonable is in the world of wooden canoes). I did purchase Manley's book,
I thought it mentioned a stop in production after 1908, and then resumed around 1910? Regardless, this is a lot of fun.....although I probably have been driving Kathy nuts...


I will post some pics when I get a chance.
Mark-- Your canoe has been an exciting adventure for me--- very cool to be expecting a picture of a canoe by one maker and recognizing that it's actually made by another. For me, it's great fun being helpful to people, and I always learn in the process... and the fun will continue (for all of us), as you post pictures and get feedback and begin working on your canoe.

Is there an aproximate ser. no. that compares to the changeover? Mine is a 15' IG with ser. 3253 on both stems.

I have been keeping a database of Rushton serial numbers and features, though it is not all that extensive yet... I will post the SN range of the change when I return from my traveling and have access to my notes.

Dan, reporting from Seattle

I used low angle lighting and hi res digi cam and discovered that my canoe is number, 3250, not 53. And I also found that it is stamped 'inc'

Could not see it before. But after talking with Fred C. I got some answers. Thanks Fred.


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Indian Girl Trivia

As promised, info from the IG database...

Number of IGs recorded, = 15
Lowest Number recorded = 153 or 183
Highest Number recorded = 5499
Transition from Rushton to Rushton, Inc. = between 2054 and 2334

Curiously, both the lowest and highest numbered IGs are owned by the same person...

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Very interesting

Curiously, both the lowest and highest numbered IGs are owned by the same person...


As Sgt Schultz would say, "very interestink", 'lowest and highest numbers, same person', seems like the makings of an investigation.

Seriously, thanks for maintaining the database. Are pics available of the early IG? Though unlikely, I'm curious if they subtly evolved as the first ones hit the water,... gunnels, seats, thwarts?

I hope the next time you see ours, she looks the same to you as last winter, only in her original green. "Sometimes less is more", as Chris Pearson wisely suggested.

Dave D

If I could figure out how to attach a partial quote.
outwales are gone. one deck is definately a replacement. the inwales are shortened due to repairs. I might be able to tell what the seats and thwarts are...and the inwales. I am not great at identifying wood, but I will give it a try.