"Just one more"
Last fall, my son and I picked up another canoe to restore without knowing what exactly it was under the three coals of paint and the fiberglass. But it had unique lines that caught our attention. After getting it home and stripping some paint, it turned out to be a 16ft Indian Girl. It was marked on both stems with the serial #3884 and had the " incorporated". On the deck was a painter ring that turned out to say Rushton on it as well. I now have taken it into the shop to begin restoration and have a few questions. Can it be dated by the serial number and the fact that it has the incorporated logo? As can be expected, this canoe had been worked on by others in its past. How can I tell if it was a open gunwale as I found it or as a closed gunwale as described in the 1903 and 1910 catalogs? It does not have pocketed inwales and the rib tops are cut at an angle downward from the inwales out. Does this mean it was a closed gunwale with the outer "strip" lower than the inner gunwale to match up with the rib top? Does anyone have pictures of this closed gunwale setup? I have never seen one and I want to get it right. Thanks for any info, Joe