Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
What do you folks use to remove the goop produced when using a paint/varnish stripper?
I used to use mineral spirits, but stopped when had a bad experience with very dark wood - I figured the spirits carried 'dark stuff' deep into the wood where cleaners & wood brighteners couldn't reach.
I then switched to using Dad's stripper & cleaned up with water. That's working better for me wood-color wise, but clean-up is still a chore.
So is there some better goop get-out technique? Lacquer thinner? Acetone?
And while we're at it, how about your favorite paint stripper? I hate the pink stuff. And Dad's is quite expensive.
I used to use mineral spirits, but stopped when had a bad experience with very dark wood - I figured the spirits carried 'dark stuff' deep into the wood where cleaners & wood brighteners couldn't reach.
I then switched to using Dad's stripper & cleaned up with water. That's working better for me wood-color wise, but clean-up is still a chore.
So is there some better goop get-out technique? Lacquer thinner? Acetone?
And while we're at it, how about your favorite paint stripper? I hate the pink stuff. And Dad's is quite expensive.