How old is this green caoe


The canoe you mention sounds like a 17' Old Town Model "HW" in a CS (common sense) grade and was shipped to Dover N.J. on April 12, 1943. It was built with spruce gunwales, ash seats, thwarts, decks and included a keel and floor rack. The original color was orange with special trim and stripes. A build record is attached.

If you are not already a member, please consider joining the WCHA to help support the substantial grants and support from our volunteer staff who bring this service to you. If this canoe needs repair or restoration this is the finest site to get expert advise from the experts. If this does not sound like the canoe you have, please send pictures or double check the SN and let us know.


Ric Altfather


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Whoa! this is scary -- the canoe is only two days older than me!
"It has been in the family since 1952, but was old then"
I didn't think I was old in 1952 -- might be getting there now. How does the "people years to canoe years to dog years" relate?

Thank you for the information. The SN is correct. In 1968 I refinshed the inside and painted the outside light blue. It had been dark green from at least 1954. My cousins owned it from 1952-54 and said it was dark green when they got it.
