How much do you charge for a canoe restoration job

The price will depend on what you want done and what repairs are needed. A simple recanvas job is usually around $1000 if you want it done properly. To strip, sand, bleach and revarnish the interior, gunnels , seats, thwarts and decks will run about $800. To rebuild and recane the hand caned seats is about $150 each. Repairing and replacing damage or dry rot is charged out at an hourly rate plus materials. Repacing the shoe keel, brass stem bands, original style painters ring and Chestnut decals will further add to the price. Bottom line, if you want it done right by a professional expect to spend over $2000. There are a lot of steps, tricks and and knowledge that you won't find in a book on restoring w/c canoes. It takes years of hands on experience and the right tools for the job.
That both inwales and outwales need replacing implies there is other replacement likely needed. Impossible to put a hard number on such a question. No offense intended, but it's like asking "how much to fix my truck, it won't start." I'll echo Dave with emphasis on the "over" part. Detailed pictures will help you get serious offers but it's still a best-guess scenario until the old skin comes off and then there's a discussion to follow!
I always start with a detailed survey sheet. I go over the canoe thoroughly, then discuss with the owner what they want as a finished result and if they are doing any of the work themselves. There is almost always more to do than the people first expect.

So many variables, no simple answer.
As Doug said so many variables. Will it be a restoration that turns it into a Shore Queen or will it be restored as a everyday paddler?
Hi Ralph
I just got a couple of quotes to get the same repairs done to my boat. I got a quote from a New Brunswick company for $880 for new canvas, paint and sand/varnish the interior. I asked about new inwales as I'm not sure if mine can be salvaged and I was quoted $100 for the inwales as he said they add another 2 hours or so to the job. Another quote I got for the same work from a company in Maine was $1600.
Good luck
What do you get for $880.00? Spray paint? Dipped in Varnish?
Gotta see what the guy can do. Interiors and 4 rails are time consuming.
Just a new canvas, fill, and paint, requires several hours opening up the canoe: removing the outwales, stembands, keel if present, and the canvas.

Now we are assuming that no further wood work is required, that the tacks are all tight.

Sanding the interior of the canoe takes a couple of hours with power, and several more if all hand sanded. Then cleaning out the dust, and applying the varnish. One coat is usually not quite enough, two coats are better.

Putting in new inwales is far more time consuming that 2 hours. You have to fabricate the new ones, remove the decks, remove the old gunnels carefully so as not to destroy the rib ends (unless you just cut them all off), then install the new ones without distorting the hull, fitting them at the stem, and re-install the decks. Oh, and to do this, you probably had to remove the planking along the sheer as it covers most of the rib ends where you need to work anyways, and then put that planking back on.

Repairing the gunnel ends can take a few hours, probably more than just the 2 hours referenced to do well. I can "Get 'er done!" quickly, but that's what it will look like when I'm done. Or, I can do it properly.

Now you get to finish the job. Sand and paint the filled canvas, get the gunnels back on. Were they sanded underneath? sealed along the back side? Any repairs needed? Sanded and re-varnished in any way? Stembands go back on, etc...

So many variables in the work, and so many variables in the quality of the work.
What I have: a 16' green UFO with wood planks and ribs. Gunwales (outer) are rotted and decks have some rot. It is presently covered with fiberglass.
For the price quoted I will get: Fiberglass removed and replaced with canvas (painted original red color), interior sanded and re-varnished, gunwales and decks replaced. I checked with previous customers and all seem very pleased with the work of this company and the "works in progress" that were there when I dropped my boat off seemed well done.
My boat will be ready in about 6 weeks and I will post before and after pics. The variables may work in my favor and I got a deal or.....................
Either way, I will have a boat that I very much enjoy, ready to paddle for a fraction of one of my quotes and because it is "just a UFO" I was willing to take a chance for the lower quote, time will tell.
What I have: a 16' green UFO with wood planks and ribs. Gunwales (outer) are rotted and decks have some rot. It is presently covered with fiberglass.
For the price quoted I will get: Fiberglass removed and replaced with canvas (painted original red color), interior sanded and re-varnished, gunwales and decks replaced. I checked with previous customers and all seem very pleased with the work of this company and the "works in progress" that were there when I dropped my boat off seemed well done.
My boat will be ready in about 6 weeks and I will post before and after pics. The variables may work in my favor and I got a deal or.....................
Either way, I will have a boat that I very much enjoy, ready to paddle for a fraction of one of my quotes and because it is "just a UFO" I was willing to take a chance for the lower quote, time will tell.

Most that have removed glass would call that a bargain. .
Folks charge what they think their time is worth and some less than going rate if they are starting out or in a weak market. This might be a bit of both?
A six week waiting period is not very long. Lot's of well known shops have waiting periods of several years and credentials that justify the wait.
Have a peek at Dodo in the back of the most recent issue of Wooden Canoe as one example.

You have little to lose given that your UFO should be useable when it's done.
One caution however....sight unseen estimates change. Most shops will not offer them.
Get a confirmed estimate when you drop off your boat and a firm commitment that they will contact you before straying off course.
What I have: a 16' green UFO with wood planks and ribs. Gunwales (outer) are rotted and decks have some rot. It is presently covered with fiberglass.
For the price quoted I will get: Fiberglass removed and replaced with canvas (painted original red color), interior sanded and re-varnished, gunwales and decks replaced. I checked with previous customers and all seem very pleased with the work of this company and the "works in progress" that were there when I dropped my boat off seemed well done.
My boat will be ready in about 6 weeks and I will post before and after pics. The variables may work in my favor and I got a deal or.....................
Either way, I will have a boat that I very much enjoy, ready to paddle for a fraction of one of my quotes and because it is "just a UFO" I was willing to take a chance for the lower quote, time will tell.

You will be fine taking your canoe to your first pick. I'm guessing i know where you are going and it would be hard to fine anyone else in the province with their experience in working with canoes. You won't end up with a museum piece but a perfectly useable canoe that will last many years. I believe the going rate at the assumed shop is around $50/ ft (+tax). Great prices compared to other parts of the country and perfectly fine work to boot.

You guessed it, my boat was dropped off to "Jonesie" and his crew. The price has gone up to $55/ft (maybe that's the price tax in) but I still feel that is a good price and their work that I saw in the shop looked good. Unless UFO's become eligible as "museum pieces", a useable boat is what I'm looking for. I believe I was told that Jonesie worked for Chestnut when they closed and bought their forms. I appreciate your vote of confidence for the shop, it makes me feel that I have, in fact, taken my boat to the right place.
