Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Happy St.Patrick's Day!!!! When everyone....and maybe everything....is green....even our canoes....

A paddling version of an Irish blessing:

May your canoe upon the water simply glide
May your favourite paddle always be at your side
May your portages always be short, and your trips always long
May you always keep the open end up, and the pointed end forward, and you’ll never go wrong.
Very nice -- but you might have retained one of the lines of the original, for it surely is to be wished for when paddling --

"May the wind be always at your back"

Erin go bragh!

Well there is also:

Paddle Your Own Canoe

I’ve traveled about a bit in my time,

And troubles I’ve seen a few.

And found it better in ev’ry clime

To paddle my own canoe;

My wants are small I care not at all.

If my debts are paied when due.

I drive away strife, in the ocean of life

While I paddle my own canoe.

If a hurricane rise in mid’day sky

And the sun is lost to view

Move steadily by, with a steadfast eye

And paddle your own canoe.

Fields of daisies that grew in bright green

And blooming so sweet for you

So never sit down, with a tear or a frown

But paddle your own canoe. – Irish ballad, circa 1840, published in Jane Benedickson’s Idleness, Water and a Canoe


May your portages be short and the breezes gentle on your back. - Anonymous
I;m going with Paul. I'm even going to rename my canoe Pumpkin, probably not carve a face on it though and take it door to door collecting treats.
John, I like the idea of a bright orange canoe....with a black coloured bottom....or just a black stripe....
I was joking!

Actually, my 1946 Otca was originally orange... though I think I won't paint it orange, if I ever get it done...

Maybe burnt orange, but more likely some other color. Maybe something unusual for Old Towns, like dark green... :)
There we go! After it gets painted orange, "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" gets painted along the gunnels!
Delightful. Thankyou Benson.
I liked the reference to the "costumes which every canoeist delights to array in".
Gives new meaning to "You can't change the Tigers Stripes"
Learn something new everyday.
Sure beats the Armadillo pattern I saw on the French.