Let me preface what I am about to say with that I echo the comments above regarding missing this wonderful outlet and resource while it was gone. But, being in the industry, I would be remiss in stating that outages like this really shouldn't be happening in this day and age.
I don't know the situation around the server, but I get the distinct feeling that it is not in a secure hosting facility, but rather sandwiched between the computer desk and the kid’s toy box (I made that up, but you get my point). If I am wrong, great! Then all you have to do is fire your host, because outages like that are unacceptable. But if I am right, good, secure and guaranteed hosting service is not that expensive anymore and really should be considered.
I do appreciate the sacrifice it takes to keep a server running, I see it on a daily basis, but considering the costs (I assume that costs are the issue here) to have it maintained professionally, it seems like an unnecessary sacrifice. I for one would gladly donate to a "hosting fund" to keep this top notch resource available at all times, as would many other members of this board I suspect. I would imagine that sufficient funds could be raised fairly quickly to cover a years worth of service.
I don’t want this message to make it appear that I don’t care about the hard work people put in the site, but maybe that I care too much. People’s time could be better spent contributing to the forums, rather than worrying about viruses and hard drive failures. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks, and keep up the good work.