Grant River Paddle

Paul Miller

Canoe Nut
A small contingent of Great Rivers chapter members enjoyed a beautiful afternoon on the upper stretches of the Grant River in southwest Wisconsin, June 27. Temperatures were in the high 70s with a steady breeze, an excellent day for paddling and taking in the huge rock bluffs and mature hardwoods bordering sections of the stream. The water was a little high and cloudy from heavy rains the previous week, no doubt shutting off the smallmouth bass for which the river is well known. The upper stretch is laced with many small riffles, fairly easy to negotiate, but alas they did leave a scuff or two on the bottom of our boats.

Participants included Chapter president Jerry Karbon, local contact Jeff Huebschman and two soon to be new WCHA and Great Rivers chapter members -- Sarah Bratnober and Kimberly Kafka. At day’s end, folks stopped at the Potosi brewery and museum, where the food was good and the beer even better, with entertainment provided on the outdoor patio by a three-piece group called “Take the Fifth.”

The Great Rivers Chapter’s next paddling event is a one or two-day paddle and camp out on the federally designated Wild and Scenic Nemakagon River in Northwest Wisconsin, July 25-26. Paddlers will also be able to stop by the new Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum in Spooner, still under renovation, and examine its growing collection, including the large collection of wooden canoes donated by WCHA founders Jill and Jeff Dean. See the Great Rivers chapter happenings for more details.


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