Re Racine WIS
Can't take credit for this "tip" cause I snarfed it from the Dragonfly canoe ID webpage:
"Gunwale Feature - Outwales were fastened with rivets, rather than the usual screws. On a canoe with original outwales, look for the rivets, which will be seen on the outboard face of the outwale, and passing all the way through to the inboard face of the inwales. On a repaired canoe or one missing its outwales, look for tell-tale holes in the inwale, spaced every fourth or fifth rib."
If you find a serial number on the rib which, along with other stuff, gives you the feeling that this is a Racine WIS canoe, I'd love to know that serial number because I have a really dandy theory about dating this canoe species. It holds up well for all four Racine canoes I know personally.