Final stage of strip restoration - need some guidance please


The value is in the character and I take a responsibility to the heritage of this canoe/builder . I've never had illusions of this being a work of art, but to me its important that I do the best possible work I can. This is accomplished with the like minded folks I have meet on this site and others. I appreciate that you have not heard of Ross Ellery or possibly other regional builders . Possibly someone will be fortunate enough to collect one of yours in the future and will care enough to restore it, respecting the canoe/builder . " I found this old Lindberg canoe and want to learn all I can and restore it " .

Hello Todd,

Thanks for the encouragement. I will post pictures later this week of the Keel and hopefully the completed canoe.

A short update ,
> Two applications of West System 105/207 epoxy down the keel line.
> Two applications of Interlux 96 to exterior and out wales. aprox 16.3 oz (weight/mass)
> I intend to let this cure fully before one application of varnish to the interior.
> I have not applied the stem bands as of yet. I have found a brass stock that is .5" wide and .125 thick. I found it to be very difficult to form/bend to the stem profiles. I'm thinking this brass has an alloy that stiffens it. Does anyone have experience with annealing brass to soften it ?

I'm very satisfied with the finish to date. a few pics attached. Including what I woke up to on May 8th!
I'm no metalworking expert, but I had to fit the wide brass stemband to a White canoe. To make the old stemband more flexible, ?malleable? I heated it with a Bernzomatic propane torch, then quenched in water. That definitely softened the brass. It took many dozens, hundreds, of small taps with a small hammer to get the proper shape, but it eventually happened.