Filler splotchies

martin ferwerda

W/C Canoes
Canvased and filled a couple moths ago, typical silica, paint, boiled linseed oil filler, has anyone seen these kind of splotches before, which still seem soft ? Always something new....


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Did you varnish the interior soon after doing the filler? Are there wide gaps in the planking? Did the canvas soak up any linseed oil that might of been on the exterior wood hull?
The image is not very clear but it appears that it may be linseed oil or varnish leaking from inside the canoe, saturating the canvas at that spot to effect the filler before the filler is fully cured. I think just giving it more time to cure will let those areas harden.
Thanks Rollin, I always varnish before canvasing, to avoid that kind of issue. I do coat the hull with an "Olympic" brand linseed oil based wood preservative, to which I add a little more linseed oil, I wipe the hull down to get rid of excess after it has had some time to soak in, so there should not be free preservative on the hull, though the it can hide out in the cracks between planks sometimes, but I did not see any bleeding through into the canvas, when I canvased the next day, and I filled immediately after putting the canvas on, so preservative may be the culprit, hard to say at this point. The only other thing unusual, is I built this one in mid winter, (no heat) which I never do, but I had an unexpected 36 days off in January, temps were in mid 40's, with the usual high humidity (rain) around here, and a about 2 weeks of freezing temps later on in February. No hurry on this thing, so will wait it out.