As of the last year, I have been constructing an Atkinson Traveller Form and canoe, purchased in kit form, from Rollin Thurlow. A group of my Eighth Grade students have helped helped along the way, as well. Rollin has been an invaluable aid, via email, in coaching me through various steps---and the form is nearing completion. Rather than hammering Rollin with further questions, I thought I might ask the canoe building community some of these questions as the answers might help other struggling amateurs like myself.
First of all, is there a detailed book about the process of producing accurate forms? I have poured over the chapters in Rollin's and Jerry Stelmok's books--but I have specific questions that might be addressed---such as: how do you accurately fair a completed form? What is your favorite fairing tool? Any tips in this process that you have developed that you might share?
I have just joined the WHCA and I am proudly wearing a t-shirt bearing (our) group's insignia. Any help with my fairing ponderings would be appreciated. ---Sam
First of all, is there a detailed book about the process of producing accurate forms? I have poured over the chapters in Rollin's and Jerry Stelmok's books--but I have specific questions that might be addressed---such as: how do you accurately fair a completed form? What is your favorite fairing tool? Any tips in this process that you have developed that you might share?
I have just joined the WHCA and I am proudly wearing a t-shirt bearing (our) group's insignia. Any help with my fairing ponderings would be appreciated. ---Sam