Duck Skiff ID requested


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I am interested in learning the manufactuer of the duck skiff. It is located in Madison, WI. The only identifcation is an oval brass plate (1" x 2") on one of the stems with the numbers 122

It is of wood canvas construction.

Thanks to anyone that can help.
It's a Shell Lake Mallard Queen. See attached.


  • page-18.jpg
    120.6 KB · Views: 1,064

Now Dan, if you could just find me a Ducker I'd really be happy.
Cant believe I didnt swing a ride in Dan's, what a kool boat. Guess I could haul out my WP Stephens plates, but thats too much work.


  • IMG_8361.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 476
Excellent! Thanks for the info

Thanks, Dan for the id. Much appreciated. I have built a replica and now I know what it is a replica of.
OK, what's missing here?

I know Dan is good, but can he be that good?

No pics or description, only a few words describing a brass plate and S/N?????

Dan Lindberg said:
OK, what's missing here?

I know Dan is good, but can he be that good?

No pics or description, only a few words describing a brass plate and S/N?????


Yep, if you know what you are looking for... :D
Ducker in Wisconsin

I think I have one of those Mallard Queens in Stoughton, WI. Haven't decided what to do with it yet. Can anyone confirm what this is? Tag-17.jpegTag-11.jpeg
What does the tag say-- I can't quite read it. Actually, it looks like a canoe to me. It has open gunwales and not the duckboat treatment in the Shell Lake catalog, with what appears to be coaming all the way around a cockpit. If you can post more pictures, especially of the deck and profile, that would help. Thanks.

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