Crossing the Border with a Dog

Ya, that's what I was thinking, just get 1 (two), so what's that, $300-350 just to get back?

Plus a RABC and Canadian fishing licenses (for canoe trips). :)

Border crossings

Back when the Guards had a sense of humor
i was once asked if i had any weapons on crossing the border to play a Hockey game

i replied ive got two hockey sticks arent those considered weapons in Canada?

Got some great chuckles from the canadian side

now they would have me spread eagle on the hood
along those lines---

Upon returning to the USA I was asked if I had anything to declare.
I said, "Why yes, I declare I had a good time but am glad to be home". That guy did not have a sense of humor.

But back to the subject --for Kathy,

I have heard, "Outside of a dog, a canoe is man's best friend. inside of a dog it's too dark to go canoeing."
Too late...

Bert is done with worming, so it's too late to ask the worms about canoeing conditions inside the little guy.
Bedding and Breakfasting with a Dog

In a Google search, the Quality Inn in Peterborough was the only motel that came up dog-friendly... so I began looking for a bed and breakfast and hit the jackpot. Denis and I will be staying will little Bert at the Liftlock Bed and Breakfast (in the only room allotted to dogs and their people), and we can paddle from there to the assembly!

This will cost more than staying in the dorms, but I paid $40/day for the Dog Lady to visit my house last year... and I'd rather have the little guy with us, even if that means we can't do or see all that we might otherwise do or see.


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Getting back into the USA in Jul of 2008

I inquired (enquired in Canada?) at the Post Office today about passports. Two forms of identification to get back in to the US will be good until the end of June 2008. A US passport (or perhaps the much discussed border crosser ID for Canada and Mexico) will be required as of 1 July 2008. Also - the forms are changing for getting the US passport; new forms to be used from 1 February. Also also - the nine month wait has been substantially reduced...I would strongly advise that those of us (self included) who are in need of the document should select a state of being other than bone idle and get the process started if we want to return to the US after Assembly. Mike
will be required as of 1 July 2008.

I am virtually sure that that requirement was postponed at least until 2009.
Obviously one should check the US government website or Congressional Office if necessary.
We in Canada welcome all friendly canoists.
Entry from Canada to US

Entry to the US from Canada, from the horse's mouth -- the US Homeland Security website

Beginning Jan. 31 of this year, U.S. and Canadian citizens ages 19 and older should no longer expect that an oral declaration alone will be sufficient to prove identity and citizenship for entry into the country. Instead, travelers will be asked to present documentation from a specified list of acceptable documents when entering the U.S. at land and sea ports of entry. Examples include birth certificates and driver’s licenses. A complete list of acceptable documents is available to travelers at ports of entry and is also available at Travelers who do not present one of these documents may be delayed while U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers attempt to verify their identity and citizenship. Children ages 18 and under will only need to present a birth certificate.

In order to further secure our borders against illegal entry, the U.S. will no longer be able to admit travelers based on nothing more than a person’s oral assertion of citizenship. During October to December 2007 alone, CBP officers reported 1,517 cases of individuals falsely claiming to be U.S. citizens. Last month, CBP officials determined that an individual falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen was wanted for homicide in California. This individual was paroled for entry into the U.S. and transported into the custody of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department. Separately, multiple Government Accountability Office and Inspector General reports have highlighted weaknesses associated with oral declarations and substandard documentation.

Standard and consistent documentation is critical for border officials to accurately determine admissibility into the United States. The Jan. 31 change is a step forward from the largely subjective standard that allowed travelers to present an almost limitless array of documents, such as baptismal certificates, to satisfy CBP officers of their citizenship. This change will allow frontline officers to standardize inspections against a narrower class of documents, and CBP has protocols in place to verify the authenticity of suspicious driver licenses and guard against the use of counterfeit or altered licenses.

DHS has maintained a consistent public awareness and information campaign to ensure that the traveling public is aware of the new travel documentation requirements under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). The transition beginning Jan. 31 will allow travelers to become accustomed to the need to present appropriate documents. Travelers who apply for a passport card, passport, Trusted Traveler Program cards, or other secure documentation denoting both citizenship and identity in response to the Jan. 31 change will not need to take additional steps to meet the final WHTI requirements upon full implementation in June 2009.

U.S. citizens may begin applying in advance for the new U.S. Passport Card on Feb. 1, 2008, in anticipation of land border travel document requirements. The U.S. Department of State expects that cards will be available and mailed to applicants in spring 2008.

Although DHS was on schedule to begin implementation of the new requirements as early as summer 2008, the fiscal year 2008 Appropriations Bill passed by Congress last month restricts the department from implementing these new requirements until June 2009.

For more information, visit or