Cool Paint Job

Dave Osborn

Attached is a photo of a 16' Thompson Hiawatha that I'm currently tearing down for restoration. It has a cool frog on both sides of the bow. Thought you might like to see it.
This is the canoe that I have been looking for original Thompson seats for on the classifieds. Still looking. The replacement seats, likely Old Town were only $5.25 each when purchased. I have no idea how long ago that was. Any guesses??


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The frog is great-- will you be able to save it?

I'm thinking '70s for the seats--- they were a couple dollars less in 1960, and my computer won't let me look at the catalogs from the '70s right now (we sometimes face a standoff, and it usually wins).

I'm not that talented, Daniel! I had a canoe come in with sharks teeth on it once. I told the customer that I would be happy to paint it black, but I don't do sharks teeth!:eek:

Dave, Have you tried ? Just trace the original and put it on the canvas. Practice a little on some masonite, with the correct colors and different brushes, and voila !! . You may even be able to charge for your new found skill.
Use a white outliining pencil to draw/trace the frog in. Then paint in the correct colors and you have it. A white Staedtler Lumocolor non permanent should do the trick. Or yellow if you prefer. Take the original to a copy place and have some copies run to make templates with.
If it were my canoe, I'd frog it up like you wouldn't believe!! Outer stems went on yesterday and a varnish touch up today will complete the canoe. I used Epifanes Monourethane paint for the first time. I liked it.


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Hey Dave;
The paint job looks great, BUT, Ya gotta do the Frog!!!!!!
Good luck Froggy!

P S I can see the headlines now; Super Dave Does Froggy!!!
frog rewls

I have been working on the frog painting. I hope to finish cleaning it up this weekend. Then I will need to find someone that can make a decal from a .jpg file.
If you can get your hands on a computer projector, then you could project the image of the frog on the canoe to get the outline.