Thompson Bros. Ranger?

Scott Duffus

New Member
This canoe has been in my family since about 1962. It was purchased by my Scoutmaster father from Camp Norseland, a Boy Scout Camp of the then Minnesota Vally Council in Southern Minnesota. The Camp was founded in 1948, so I am thinking the canoe is probably not older than that. It is 16' long and originally had no seats. I was always told the it was an Old Town Boy Scout Canoe, (there was a lot of Official Boy Scout Gear back then). As I have been researching this canoe I am fairly sure that it is not an Old Town, and is more likely a Thompson Bros. Ranger, or a copy of one.

I am interested in opinions from folks who might have knowledge about Thompson Bros. canoes. This boat either did not have a serial number or it broke off with the section of the stern stem that is missing. It does have 3 3/4" beveled planking. and ribs have clipped corners. The planking pattern looks like the diagram that Mike Elliot has posted on-line. The decks are either cedar or spruce, and have a metal strap underneath on both the bow and the stern. Any help is appreciated!


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Your research is correct in identifying this as a Thompson Ranger. Once popular with Scouts and kids camps. Often supplied without seats, or sometimes with simple plank seats, as you can imagine cane seats would take quite a beating from the youngsters. Kids were taught to paddle from a kneeling position.
The clipped rib tips, planking, deck, and deck straps are all consistent with Thompson construction.

I believe Peterson Bros made canoes, however I’ve never seen one. Their forte, was small rowboats as I recall. I owned one and have restored a couple.


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