Curious about Wooden Canoes
Hey all,
I picked up this canoe earlier this week from a really awesome 84 yr old avid canoeist. From his story it's a 1970s era Chestnut Prospector, he mentioned it was purchased before the factory closing down so late 70s? I'm at least the 3rd owner so I'm not sure how reliable that information is.
These are my initial (not perfect) measurements
Length - 16'
Beam - 38" ish - from rib to rib at center thwart
depth - about 14"
vee stern
3 thwarts
Based on what I can find it's a Prospector Fawn? It seems too wide but I suppose there could be some variability.
So far I've cleaned off all the dirt and spiderwebs and used a wood cleaner on the bow to get a better idea what the wood looks like. I live up in Saskatchewan and hope to get this canoe back in shape and on the South Sask river next season.
Thanks in advance for the help.

I picked up this canoe earlier this week from a really awesome 84 yr old avid canoeist. From his story it's a 1970s era Chestnut Prospector, he mentioned it was purchased before the factory closing down so late 70s? I'm at least the 3rd owner so I'm not sure how reliable that information is.
These are my initial (not perfect) measurements
Length - 16'
Beam - 38" ish - from rib to rib at center thwart
depth - about 14"
vee stern
3 thwarts
Based on what I can find it's a Prospector Fawn? It seems too wide but I suppose there could be some variability.
So far I've cleaned off all the dirt and spiderwebs and used a wood cleaner on the bow to get a better idea what the wood looks like. I live up in Saskatchewan and hope to get this canoe back in shape and on the South Sask river next season.
Thanks in advance for the help.