Curious about Wooden Canoes
Greetings. I am a novice-intermediate flat water kayaker who had been wanting to acquire a canoe in order to start teaching my 10 & 12 year old boys about the joys of paddling. I have, on occasion, looked wistfully at some of the beautiful wood and canvas canoes and had fairly recently found the wcha site. I am pleased to say that I recently acquired a Carleton, which should prove to be a fun and rewarding restoration project.
If you are able to provide build card info on my Carleton s/n 15425 18, it would be greatly appreciated.
I will, of course be joining wcha (as soon as I get permission from my "domestice spending coordinator"). I can't imagine anyone who has an interest in wood and canvas canoes not wanting to have access to, and be part of, what has already proven to be an amazing resource.
Best Regards.
If you are able to provide build card info on my Carleton s/n 15425 18, it would be greatly appreciated.
I will, of course be joining wcha (as soon as I get permission from my "domestice spending coordinator"). I can't imagine anyone who has an interest in wood and canvas canoes not wanting to have access to, and be part of, what has already proven to be an amazing resource.
Best Regards.