Having owned Fiberglass, wood-and-canvas, and then cedar strip and 'glass boats, I'd have to say that you need to make a distinction between all fiberglass boats and fiberglass coated wood.
Gelcoat takes a fair amount of abuse but looks bad cosmetically pretty quickly. It's also hard to find somebody to do a good re-spray job to make it look good again. After that, my preference tends towards cedar strip and 'glass. It takes a fair amount of abuse and isn't difficult to repair or bring back cosmetically. Wood-and-canvas boats stand up to the abuse about the same as the colored fiberglass, but are easier to make look good again with a paint brush. The canvas also has a little bit of "give" which can help as long as what youre running into isn't too sharp.
As my father used to tell me, the bottom of a canoe should only touch two things. The first is air, the other is water. Then again, some of his boats have seem some pretty hard water.
Actually, the canvas is pretty tough stuff, all in all for abrasion, but can't take a sharp edge. Haven't had the opportunity to patch canvas, only change it.