Canvas Filler...


Curious about Wooden Canoes
While digging around this site, I found the following recipe for canvas filler...

"Old Town Canoe Company 1947 Recipe (Courtesy Benson Gray)

25 1/2 pounds white lead (or 20 pounds)
70-75 pounds Silex (or 90 pounds)
6 gallons boiled oil
5 gallons varnish mixing oil
3 gallons Savasol #4
1 quart dryer (japan or Pratt & Lambert Liquid)
makes 14 gallons, enough for 14 canoes"

First off... I'd only need enough for ONE square stern canoe, (roughly the amount for TWO regular canoes with some to spare,) but I'm astounded and flabbergasted. White lead? I don't want to use that.

Other options?
There are several filler recipes listed here:

The first is Old Town's unleaded recipe, and is probably the most commonly used by those who roll their own.

Purchasing pre-mixed filler from one of our builder-suppliers saves the trouble of gathering together all the ingredients, some of which can be hard to find and only available in bulk quantities. Beware though that most fillers will fall into the hazardous shipping class. If there is a builder near you, you can pick it up in person and save the shipping.