Kathryn Klos
squirrel whisperer
Rather than resurrect the old thread about crossing the border with a dog, here's a fresh new one...
Denis and I crossed into Canada and then back into the U.S. of A. on our way to pick up two canoes in The East recently, and didn't have to disguise the Jack Russell terrorist... errr... terrier... that rode with us. I had a copy of Bertie's shot record which included a paper signed by his vet, indicating when he'd had his rabies vaccination. I didn't ask the vet for this paperwork-- it was given to me as part of the receipt for paying the vet bill. It looks wonderfully official and did the trick.
P.S. Bert now has a big brother named Charlie.
Denis and I crossed into Canada and then back into the U.S. of A. on our way to pick up two canoes in The East recently, and didn't have to disguise the Jack Russell terrorist... errr... terrier... that rode with us. I had a copy of Bertie's shot record which included a paper signed by his vet, indicating when he'd had his rabies vaccination. I didn't ask the vet for this paperwork-- it was given to me as part of the receipt for paying the vet bill. It looks wonderfully official and did the trick.
P.S. Bert now has a big brother named Charlie.