
fred capenos

Canoe Pilot
The stem bands went on today and we're waiting for the decal, then the bookshelf will be done (after 7 months of fun) and it is headed for the Assembly.... Fred


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WOW! That is a gorgeous canoe, Fred. But, isn't it going to be kind of hard to stand up the books in it? Looking forward to seeing it at the Assembly.

Fred has proven that it can be done! And it's simply gorgeous!

Now, there's a "flower bed" canoe in a nearby town...
Great job Fred!!

Now you need to get several of those little "post-it" flags to show the original pieces that remain.

Exceptionally done

Need another project? I think there's nothing you can't do.


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Fred, you are an inspiration. I have a few canoes that are very bad but look much better than your shelves, so there is hope for them yet.


OK Fred, you did your usual splendid job. The only problem is it looks so gorgeous no one will ever believe it started out as two book shelves.

Look forward to seeing it and you at the Assembly!

What a shame...and those were gorgeous book sheves too. Oh well, there's always Ikea.;)

Beautiful job, Fred. I'm duely impressed. You are an inspiration, for sure.
This really is inspirational! It's a testament to how cedar-canvas is durable. Then again, How much of the actual original canoe is left?

Thanks to all for the kind words. The canoe is officially done. We are taking it to the Assembly to be auctioned off.
Dave, we will be in Dryden Michigan this August...I'll give you a call and maybe we can go look at the garden canoe....or not.

Hi Fred

Dryden is near, very near. I am donating a canoe to the Seven Ponds Nature Center in Dryden. Would love to have you stop by and visit. The flower bed canoe is something I saw along Pratt Road near Dryden. Closer to Hadley actually. I'm sending you a pm.
Fred--I'm profoundly touched by your generosity in donating this beautiful canoe-- with all the work that went into it. An amazing canoe, and an amazing gesture!
