Assembly Travel Update

Thought I would post this for all who are planning on going to the Assembly this year...Please go to CBP.Org and read the section about clearing customs...the bottom statement clearly states that any article taken over into Canada that has repairs or modifications done whether free or not may be charged as a DUTIABLE item returning to the States...Just in case anyone wants work done on a canoe while there...Also, there is a form 4557 that makes it easier for you to clear items and prove that you brought them over with you and are your personal property...these days any advance precaution may save some aggravation on the way back...Never know these days...:(

I found the Form 4457 on the US Customs website-- I hope to have the restoration on my Chestnut Chum done by July to bring it to the assembly and sure don't want to have any trouble bringing it back home. The form may be printed from the following site-- (CBP_Form_4457)
You can even fill it out on line and print it out!
See you in July. -JWB
Chris-- Fill out one form for each canoe, then have an official sign the form on the US side before you cross into Canada-- the forms may be used for that canoe again and again. And for you: a birth certificate and a drivers license (or a passport).

Whether or not you are hassled at the border (and I'm talking US border, returning home) may depend on the mood of the official, or something those of us who live content lives involving wooden boats know little of. Denis and I figured we were in the clear the last time we crossed because the folks in front of us were detained and made to pull over somewhere else. So, it might be something like passing through Wisconsin with out of state plates, not knowing whether the County Mounty has his quota yet.

Another tip! this for other valuables also...Camera, tools, etc....they suggest that doing that alleviates delays and questions!