Assembly 2024 - still time to join in!

Michael Grace

Lifetime Member
You know you need something fun and rejuvenating, and missing work the week of July 16-21 would be a great thing, so... come to Assembly! Just over a week from now, hundreds of your best friends or your newest friends will be gathering at Paul Smiths College in the Adirondacks for a week of paddling, learning, camaraderie, and more. We already have nearly 300 registrants and that number will continue to grow. People are coming from as far away as Washington State, British Colombia, Alberta, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom.

Join us - it's going to be a great Assembly during the WCHA's 45th anniversary year, and with courting canoes as the theme. Pop the favorite canoe (or two) on top of the vehicle or trailer, or come without a canoe; there will be plenty available to paddle, row, or sail. Stay in the dorms, camp on campus, or get a room in one of the nearby villages. All are great options. And bring the family - there are plenty of interesting and exciting things to do for spouses, kids, grandchildren, other family members, and friends.

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