Assembly 2012- Excursion on Church Pond to Osgood River


Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
It started out with us Portaging over to Church Pond...just a hop, skip, and a jump, from Paul Smith's College. It was a gorgeous morning and it was a delightful walk. Listening to the birds, seeing Harley's on a road trip, and other canoeist's headin' for water somewhere, and our group from the Assembly all coming up behind us. I heard Kim holler out her window "Portage"! It felt like we were in a parade...a solo one at that! When we arrived to see the water below we could tell it was smooth like glass and reflections of the brillant blue skies, trees, and rocks in the water...not a ripple! It was a perfect day! Folk's were putting in their canoes, and more were lining up behind them. Soon, we had a group together. Our tour guide gave us a little history about the pond and how folk's went to Church by canoes to the two Churches that were once nearby. Then off we paddled with our guide leading the way. After leaving Church Pond which was a nice paddle we came up on a little waterway that was shallow. We could see by people getting out of their canoes that someone was going to get wet as it was time to portage. It wasn't too bad if you watched where the person in front got back in at a certain point. But, for some they may have went a bit too far and the water got deep and I heard some shrieks of that happening. Then, we came to a beautiful opening of water and ahead a campsite and homes tucked in the trees along the way. We crossed over to get to another place near the shoreline. Our guide gathered us once more to tell stories. This time some history of a harrowing tale....too scary to tell. Let's just say what was said in this story stays in the group. Then, it was off again heading for Osgood River. On the way there were lily pads and white lilies in bloom. There were no signs of civilization at this point. Just seeing nature at it's finest and an adventure for all of us to enjoy. Our guide then mentioned that we were going to turn back before the river actually ended as it was getting late and we needed to be back for lunch. Some however, decided to be more adventurous and went on ahead to find that part where the river actually ends back in the earth.

So, this is chapter 2 now as the story turns dramatically different. Our smooth waters had turned rough due to the winds picking up. As we entered the open waters it was choppy, and like being on the ocean...well almost. Macky and I had never paddled in this type of water before. So, with that, for the first time we were in for a work-out. We knew we had to keep paddling because at one point the winds were so strong that the canoe got sideways and turned us towards the shore. We saw other's struggling and fighting with everything they had to get across the fierce water. For us, we knew we had to get back to them and paddle hard once more. So, with all we had we paddled non-stop. With the canoe rocking up and down and going sideways I was thinking that at any moment we could flip. I could only keep thinking that I was not going to let that happen. I had a waterproof camera aboard (but knew I would lose it if we turned over) and a cell phone. Why I was thinking of losing those two items? But at this time I was. I knew too, that I didn't want to get wet. I am not use to cold water coming from Florida. So, knowing that, kept me paddling like I never paddled before. Finally, we reached an area that was an Island that everyone was on. We were relieved that we made it and glad to be there. But, then we heard barking dogs coming straight for us. The natives had greeted us and not knowing if they were friendly or viscious, we just hoped for the best. Well, it turned out they were just protecting their property. A lady was with them and we let her know why we had landed there. We looked over the area and some thought we should portage across the island. There was a big bend around the island we had to go around. So, once again many of us did portage for a ways. I took the rope and led us in the water, fighting the head winds, trudging on until we felt we were able to paddle once more. It did get better up ahead and paddling was much easier. By then we were just thinking about lunch and getting back to the Assembly. All in all it was a great trip and one we will always remember.

I am trying to post photos. May have to add them later as they are not posting, now.

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Adding photos

I am posting the photos now of this trip. But, first am going to say a BIG "Thank you" to Dan Miller for helping me through a long process of getting them posted.
It is not the website, folk's. It was me. I just did not click on "submit to post" button after the photos were uploaded as I thought they were not working in the
upload area. Thank you again, Dan!



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More photos

Some more photos of the trip.


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Last set of photos

We are on our way back now. Chapter 2 of the story.


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