Another OT 50# Model

pat chapman

Willits biographer
I've got a 50# OT in the shop now and could use a copy of the build record. It is #138855-15. It was built sometime during WWII because it has steel tacks and bolts. Thanks, as usual!
Ot 138855


Here you go.

This canoe was shipped on April 29, 1944 to Long Island City, NY. As you know, it's a 15' 50# model in CS grade with spruce gunwales, ash seats thwarts and decks with a keel and floor rack as options. The original color was dark green. Record attached. Will you be converting this into a Willits?

Ric Altfather


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Thanks for the build record, Ric. Sorry, but no, I won't be turning the OT into a Willits. That would be as possible as turning a sow's ear into a silk purse... turning lead to gold... a Yugo into a Cadillac...

Now that I've ticked off every Old Town owner, I'll shut up! :)