Hi! New guy here. I'm and handful of steps into my first wood and canvas canoe restoration project. I am approaching the point where I need to shape some new gunwales to be bent into place. (I've never steam bent anything and I'm looking forward to trying it. I think I'm going to try that "Steam in a poly tube bag" idea that everyone raves about.) My current concern, however, is this: the boat (an Old Town OTCA 16) features a bit of tumblehome that I am not sure how to address. Any advice for cutting an appropriately angled rabbet in the outwale? I seem to recall reading somewhere that, because the tumblehome angle will be most dramatic amidship and tamper to almost nothing at the bow and stern, you can estimate the average angle over the whole boat and just cut that average angle on the entire length of the outwale, but I can't remember where I heard that. Does that sound right?
Any advice on shaping, bending, and installing outwales would be greatly appreciated!
Any advice on shaping, bending, and installing outwales would be greatly appreciated!