Additional Carleton records

Benson Gray

Canoe History Enthusiast
Staff member
I will have seven volumes of additional Carleton records at the Assembly if anyone wants more information about a Carleton canoe. These are not complete but do have some interesting details if a canoe was shipped or repaired within their date ranges as shown below.


24 April 1914 to 27 February 1917
28 February 1917 to 9 June 1920

16 May 1922 to 12 June 1924
13 June 1924 to 21 April 1927

7 March 1910 to 31 December 1919
31 December 1919 to 30 November 1926

20 January 1912 to January 22 1913

Carleton-2 .jpg

The model canoe shown above provides an example. It was built as an Old Town in December 1925 with serial number 89161 as confirmed on the build record below. It was converted to a Carleton and shipped on February 16th, 1926.


The ledger page shown below confirms that it was shipped to The J. L. Hudson Co. in Detroit, Michigan on February 16th. It also indicates that it was a consignment and valued at $25. That was about one third of the price for a full-sized canoe at that time.


Let me know if you have a Carleton from the late teens or mid-1920s and I can see if more information like this is available.

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How about 18659 17? Shipped March 17 1924. That might explain the green color?
And, there should be nothing particularly wild about it.
Anything for 15633? Shipped Apr 6 1921

Unfortunately, this falls outside of the date ranges. Sorry,

How about 18659 17? Shipped March 17 1924.

This wins. The build record, full ledger page showing the entire order, the detail showing this canoe, and color design A from the catalog page are attached below. Nice one,





Thank you Benson. That is pretty cool to see.
The canoe belonged to Andy Schuler. Andy was locally known for Shuler potato chips. He eventually sold out to Wise.
Andy held a lot of land in the Park including several camps on Streeter Lake.
This canoe was one he kept at his house in Star Lake, about 60 miles from the Assembly. I always admired it hanging in his garage whenever I drove by. I was thrilled to eventually own it even with the still present 75 cent painter ring.
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