A Shop for Denis

That really looks great!

Does pulling the canoes into the loft cause any worry about the finish? My dad had a roller he put in a pair of brackets on the sea wall of our lake cottage to roll boats in and out of the water without dinging them up. His was an old hard rubber roller from a retired printing press, but pvc or wood or something like that might do the job as well. Just want to make it easy to put in and take off so Denis doesn't have to climb over it getting into the loft!
Denis lined the doorway of the loft with carpet (see picture below), and he sets the canoe on a dolly as he pulls it through the doorway. I think he only had a problem back before he got locking wheels for the dolly, because it wanted to sneak away from him, as he was loading the canoe.

The roller sounds like a good idea. A year or so ago, Denis found a strange contraption at a yard sale, comprised of a series of rollers. I think he saw it as a useful lumber-mover though. I hadn't remembered that, until your post!


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Update-- a red door

The barn now has all its siding in place and a man-door, painted to match the trim on the house (took three coats). As with the windows, the door came from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore and was a super deal.

Denis is working on the garage door now, which was a freebie-- replacing warped panels with beaded pine.

Lots of work left to do on the shop-part of the barn before the snow flies!


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Getting There...

The garage door is wonderful! Denis got it *for free*-- replaced the warped Masonite panels with beaded pine-- with this dramatic result!

We plan to paint the window-frames burgundy too.


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Sorry, that just won't do. The trim should be Guide Special Green.:D

(kidding - It looks Marvelous.)
Kathryn Klos said:
The garage door is wonderful! Denis got it *for free*-- replaced the warped Masonite panels with beaded pine-- with this dramatic result!

We plan to paint the window-frames burgundy too.

Denis is very talented when he ain't all stove-up.

Looks awesome!
Thanks folks!
Kathy kind of jumped the gun with these photos. I had just installed the Lexan in the windows with clear caulk that hadn't set yet nor had I got the trim in that holds the window in --thus the white line around the window. I used Lexan so I wouldn't have a safety problem with the building inspector. Now if I can only get the excavator to come finish the driveway and fill it up to the top of the threshold I'll be set with that part. Have to build and install the sliding door upstairs too. I think shingling the gable end will be next year. Feels like we may have an early winter here. We are already getting typical November weather. Cold and wet.
Thanks again!
Better and Better

Another load of gravel for the driveway... and a coat of paint for the window... Denis is verrrrry happy!


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Still have the sliding door to make and install and shingles to put on the gable end. Shingles will probably be next spring.
Tomorrow is final inspection and if everything is okay then I can start making the shop.
I'm very pleased with the way the driveway came out. Once the rain washes the mud off the stone it will be rather pretty. :D
Last Shingle

Documenting the last shingle to be nailed in place on the front-side gable-end of the barn. Next, the door for the gable-- which is already made and only needs to be hung in place on a track (it will slide in front of the opening).

See how nice the barn looks with all the fresh green of the trees and the blooming apple?

Very exciting!



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looks good

Really looking good. I wish I'd had the time to stop by the last time I flew through Marquette. Next time for sure. I need to check out the barn AND the collection.
Thanks all! There still is work to do before it is done on the outside but it took a while to apply the shingles and I am relieved to finish that part.
Denis :D
Lookin' Gooood!

A man proudly surveys his property from a lofty barn loft...


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