A Shop for Denis

Going Up...

Here's the second canoe we've hoisted into the second storey of the barn.

This pully-system works better than the one Denis tried first... but still isn't perfect. Denis should post what the problems are-- I'm only there to man the rope guiding the canoe through the door.



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Try to find a simple windlass from a boat trailer with the anti-reverse thingie on it so you can stop when you want. Find a convenient place to bolt that. They are reduction geared so you get less resistance at the handle as well.

Last week, Denis found some windows at the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. This is a great place to find building materials, and I encourage anyone who has a house-project to look for a ReStore in their area. Denis found three double-hung windows and four crank-outs, all of high quality. The double-hungs came with storms and screens. All are wood, clad with aluminum on the outside. Denis also got a door with lites. The entire lot was $500.

Denis used his new trailer to haul this booty and rented the physical strength of a 23-year-old to get the casement windows in place... only two windows to go!

Am posting pictures... yeah, I know the place is full of canoes and recall Dan's warning about that... but we had no choice. The garage where they were hanging out wasn't available anymore. And we've purchased an electric winch (on-line) which should make the job of hoisting them into the loft easier... found one that "lowers" as well as "raises".

I'm pushing for siding the upper part of the barn with cedar shake. It's expensive, but I'm loving this barn and feel it deserves shaking.



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Small request...

Kathryn Klos said:
Denis used his new trailer to haul this booty and rented the physical strength of a 23-year-old to get the casement windows in place... only two windows to go! Kathy

I'd like to see the 23 year old :D
that looks like a nice high ceiling, why only 6 to a rack?
4 high under a 8 ft ceiling is easy, that way you get 8 to 2 sided rack.
(I just finished a 1 sided rack at my sister's place, to avoid making an outside shelter this year, to get a few projects out of the weather.)

You are planning on finding more canoes in the barn aren't you?

The second floor is 7 foot. Hence the three per rack. It was suppose to be eight but they only sent eight foot 2x6's so with the slope it came out to just over seven feet. I had so many delays that I didn't want to wait to have them exchanged. However, since the floor space is 28x40 there is enough room for a rolling rack with six on it maybe even two. Along the walls are four racks with three each. That should give us enough for now.
The first floor is over nine feet and boy is that nice for swinging things around to cut them. Really liking that feature! :)
Les Cheneaux,
Don't have a photo of the boy but will get one and Kathy can put it on later. :D

Denis, great looking shop. As always, a 30k building is erected to protect something a fraction of its value.:eek: Although if you keep accumulating, you might outpace the construction costs.. Go with shakes, they'd look great - and of course a tin roof.
I have building envy, the carhole is unbelievably cramped - then to add insult to injury, I get lazy and use wood with sapwood in it.:mad: Still worth the bruised shins tho when one gets done and in the water.


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I see Andre in hot pursuit for sheer numbers of canoes.
Unlike Dennis he has to hire models to make his boats look good.
I see a little Pete floating in 1/2 inch of water.Bet you don't have one(hard to believe)
Pete who?

Whats that? I'm insuring my very rare Chestnut decked boat - see the canoe sailing thread, it has the decal and everything.....;)

Only 7' high, boy was I off, that makes it tougher.

And yes, 9' is great, we built a new garage a few years ago, where my shop is now going, that is 26x33 with a 9.5 ft ceiling. I could "double stack" the canoes hanging from the trusses, had 10 canoes in there (included 3 on a rack) with tools/machinery/cars under them. (With the shop going in now, the canoes are going elsewhere.)

For your hoist, get one of those elec boat trailer winches, then you only have to push the button. And put the pulleys on a track/roller, so you can easily pull the canoe in.

Aren't you glad you're getting all this "help".

Barn Update

First, I'll show some pics taken of the exterior... then, pass the camera to Denis in the canoe-loft (using the electric hoist), so he can take pictures where I don't have to courage to venture until there are some real stairs.

Most of the siding is up... still needs battens.

Windows came from the Habitat ReStore.


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Look at all that space... all for CANOES... (the mind boggles)...

The first picture shows the electric hoist... will let everyone know how it works for canoes (works fine, lifting a camera).

There are racks for 12 canoes... plus, there's 13 feet down the middle, and Denis hopes to make movable racks like some we saw at the Canadian Canoe Museum.

The little dolly moves the canoes from the door to the racks.

When there are stairs to this place, I plan to sit up there and read... a sweet spot.


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The hornets are still working in and on the nest... I'll take a picture... it's getting quite large.

For those who don't know, Brian came up here to help put the siding on the barn, but Denis was recovering from falling against a piece of metal that opened up his arm, and had been told not to use the arm. It was a great visit, however... productive in more important ways.
Here's the hornets' nest... they're always busy, and the nest is now as bigger than a human head.

The second picture is of Den's daughter, Chelsea, helping move the canoes from the lower level to the upper... and the hoist worked quite well. Seven were moved up there tonight.



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Up dere in da barn...

Here are some pictures Denis took in the upstairs of the barn... I can't go up the ladder, or I'd have to live up there until stairs are built-- fear of heights trumping the need to touch the canoes.

There are three 18 footers yet to go up there later today.



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Nice going guys! Nice clean job on those canoe racks too.

Don't worry about the height Kathryn. As we used to say back in my serious mountian climbing days, "It's not the fall that's the problem, it's the sudden stop at the end. So might as well sit back and enjoy the ride, 'cause for sure you won't need to worry later".

All the boards and more than half the battens are up on the barn now... and all the canoes are in the loft except the two we can paddle and one that Denis will be working on (soon perhaps?).

Denis had a youthful helper, so I was free to document the entry of the final three of our canoes into their lofty home... here's one that needed some help because it doesn't have its seats and thwarts reapplied yet.


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