I wandered into the Wilson Museum this summer and was very exicted to find a large model of an early rowing canoe with invisible sponsons. They kindly let me photograph it in detail this week as shown below. There was very little provenance available. It is roughly 72 by 16 inches. My guess is that this may be a Thatcher model as shown in the catalog and patent images below.
Caleb Billings Thatcher lived from 1840 to 1914 and his canoe business in Bangor lasted from about 1896 to around 1923. I'm not aware of any other Thatcher models that are known to exist. Links to Thatcher's grave, the Wilson Museum, and three pictures of a full sized Thatcher canoe are at the bottom of this page. Please let me know if you have a better guess or any other information about Thatcher to share. Thanks,
Caleb Billings Thatcher lived from 1840 to 1914 and his canoe business in Bangor lasted from about 1896 to around 1923. I'm not aware of any other Thatcher models that are known to exist. Links to Thatcher's grave, the Wilson Museum, and three pictures of a full sized Thatcher canoe are at the bottom of this page. Please let me know if you have a better guess or any other information about Thatcher to share. Thanks,

Caleb Billings Thatcher (1840-1914) - Find a...
Enlisted U.S. Navy, Feb 18, 1864 Honorably Discharged Nov. 6, 1865

Wilson Museum
Cultivating and encouraging human connection across place, time, and cultures.
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