My ongoing research related to unusual canoes at small museums led me to The Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation in Waltham, Massachusetts. The first link below has more details. They have a nice green Arnold canoe on display although it has no tag or obvious serial numbers. They kindly granted me access to their archives which include a red Arnold with a tag and serial number 658, a racing canoe with no tag (built in the style of a Walter Dean), two double paddles with a crescent moon design on the blades, a north woods style single paddle, and a wonderful collection of period photographs from that area including two that identify H. B. Arnold as one of the paddlers. The second link below has Herbert Bruce Arnold's grave in Waltham. There is also a picture of a canoe that appears to be covered in birch bark. Fun stuff,

Charles River Museum
The Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation celebrates American industry and innovation from the 19th century through the 21st century emerging in the Charles River watershed, and along "America's Technology Highway," Massachusetts' legendary Route 128.

Herbert Bruce Arnold (1866-1942) - Find a Grave...
Plot owned by Ivory Cousens Buried in the plot are: Hattie Coffin Myra D. Goodwin Marion W. Cousens Ivory Cousens Mary A. Cousens Herbert Bruce Arnold Isora Arnold H. Willard Gough Octavia C. Gough

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