A Bit-o-Snow Here...


You've just made my morning. What a beautiful video! Thanks, and best wishes to all for a wonderful holiday season.

Max Peterson
Snow vs Cold

Nice video. Shows that you UPers kinda get dumped on early, often, and a lot, eh?

But if we're talking making it through the worst that Mother Nature can throw at us in winter, I'd put in my vote for frigid temps as the worst.

My wife has a button that says, "I survived 60 below. Rice Lake, WI. January 17, 1977." :eek: I hate that button because I remember the day.

It doesn't get any worser than this.
Those are some of my own beautiful babies in "For So the Children Come"... the youngest of which turns 21 the end of this month... she's the baby at the beginning and the beautiful young woman with her arms joyfully in the air at the end. The boys holding Charlie the Dog are my grandsons.

Kathy, again loved both videos....and you have a good looking family....including your youngest and the grandkids....and that video does speak so much to Christmas. Now as an aside I've always wondered about your signature line: "Please tell me about your Morris," she implored, batting her eyelashes. Guess you wouldn't bat your eyelashes over a Chestnut or Peterborough, would you???? LOL LOL. Sorry guess I'm showing my Canuck bias LOL LOL. Seriously though wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! Thanks again for sharing these two great seasonal messages.
I bat my eyelashes cuz I'm "asking nicely"... hoping to glean a bit o info for our Morris database without having to strong-arm anyone. I pick on Morrises because there are a goodly number of them out there, and they are easy to identify, and a number of them have found their way into our barn so that I can look 'em over.

There are many Chestnuts and Peterboroughs, as well as canoes of other persuasions, that have stirred my heart. Denis has a Faber and a Richardson, so when we put all our canoes together, there are a couple from North of the border. No bias here. Andre can send his Chestnut to my house any day.

Kathy, I never really thought you'd have any kind of bias (other than being a wood canoe perhaps)....and I wouldn't have thought that you were doing anything else but asking nicely....and I've seen a few Morris canoes that stirred my heart a bit too....sounds like you've got a great stable of canoes between you and Denis (I'm just starting out as only have the one but may add more one day....I hope to get my "new" baby all done up this winter and hopefully get to next year's Assembly)....and like yourself that Chestnut Moonlight of Andre's would be more than welcome at my home too....any way, I'm rambling on....once again thanks for sharing those great videos....and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all
thank you


Thank you for the video's,

May the song of the Spirit of Christmas sing softly in your soul.

Happy Holidays
