Curious about Wooden Canoes
This past summer in August I completed a Boy Scout 50 miler trip around Lobster Lake, then using the Penobscot to go into the Chesuncook Lake. The trip was very nice, and not too crowded. We did get on the water early each morning so we found a new site by noon, and found we were well ahead of the other parties that way. Saw a few moose on the river, didn't spend enough time on Lobster Lake, and found Chesuncook to be less remote than the other two areas.
We met the Penobscot River Watchers and tried their Explorer canoes. One 25 foot cedar strip and one 27 foot fiberglass, which were a joy to try out. They are a joy to talk to and great company.
My son and I paddled a 17 foot Old Town, though not nice as the ones on this site. But I am working on it.
For shuttle service, we paid "Bill" at the campground in Chesuncook to shuttle us back to the Lobster Lake put in. It was inexpensive and well worth it.
Lastly, I have to say sharing the experience with my son, other leaders, and several other teenagers age 14 to 17 was the best part. Knowing that some of them will never take this kind of trip without some willing adults to take them, made it all the more enjoyable. I hope it will not be the last extended trip with my own son, and best of all, feel confident it won't be. Now if I could get my daughters to paddle 50 miles, we could all go!
We met the Penobscot River Watchers and tried their Explorer canoes. One 25 foot cedar strip and one 27 foot fiberglass, which were a joy to try out. They are a joy to talk to and great company.
My son and I paddled a 17 foot Old Town, though not nice as the ones on this site. But I am working on it.

For shuttle service, we paid "Bill" at the campground in Chesuncook to shuttle us back to the Lobster Lake put in. It was inexpensive and well worth it.
Lastly, I have to say sharing the experience with my son, other leaders, and several other teenagers age 14 to 17 was the best part. Knowing that some of them will never take this kind of trip without some willing adults to take them, made it all the more enjoyable. I hope it will not be the last extended trip with my own son, and best of all, feel confident it won't be. Now if I could get my daughters to paddle 50 miles, we could all go!