16' Mullins?


LOVES Wooden Canoes
I picked up an ebay special this past weekend. It is supposed to be a Mullins.
how can I tell if this is true? Is there a number I can look for somewhere?
Thanks, Macky
Hello Macky,

You can go to www.dragonflycanoe.com/id/ and scroll to "Mullins" on the left, and you'll see some images and get some history of the company. Records for all but a very few of the old canoe companies do not exist, so even if there was a number on your canoe someplace, it wouldn't connect to any original build information. However, there may be some details in your canoe that will help put an approximate date on it.

You can use the "search" function, above, and type in "Mullins" and any past discussions of this canoe will come up.

We love pictures of canoes, and if you post pictures of your eBay find, we can discuss your specific canoe. Congratulations!

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Key features of Mullins canoes are that they are heavily built, untapered ribs, the end grain of the stem is exposed between the inwales (most canoes cover it), the stem bands (if still present) are half round, as if someone cut a piece of copper tube in half, and the seat frames have extra pieces in the center space that act as clamps to hold the seat cane in place. I have also had Mullins canoes through the shop that were signed on the exterior of the hull and exposed when the canvas is off. The shape of the deck is also fairly unique to Mullins (see images below).



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Thanks for the info. This canoe has seat frames like the picture but they have new white canvas in them. The decks look the same. I will try to take pics this Saturday. The inside looks 100 years old, but the outside has what appears to be new fiberglass.
Here are some pictures of the Mullins that I have hanging around the shop. It has pine ribs which are just about all decayed to powder.


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