Curious about Wooden Canoes
I am arranging to take custody of what community and family tradition says is a 1903 Old Town sailing canoe. Leeboards and leeboard thwart are still with it. Leeboard thwart is missing one of the gunnel clips. Spars are probably gone, though there is a candidate boom up in a barn loft. Sail is long gone. Many layers of paint, originally green, now red. Seems in good condition. Evidence of some repairs on floor and to center thwart at attachment to port gunnel. I have tried to attach pictures taken with my cell phone, but many come up with a circled !, so there is some problem. Will follow up when I can solve it.
I would like to get her in good order, replace or build the missing spars and sail, and sail and paddle her, and make her available in the small Maine community she has lived in since a brief sojourn to Georgia early in her life.
Would appreciate help with any of the following:
confirmation of her vintage
info on her make
insight on the original sail rig and spars
guidance on care/restoration
source for replacing the missing gunnel clip on the leeboard thwart
I have been sailing a Grumman sailing canoe for a few years and recently refurbished and repaired a 30 year old plywood sailing skiff, but am headed into new territory here.
Many thanks.

I would like to get her in good order, replace or build the missing spars and sail, and sail and paddle her, and make her available in the small Maine community she has lived in since a brief sojourn to Georgia early in her life.
Would appreciate help with any of the following:
confirmation of her vintage
info on her make
insight on the original sail rig and spars
guidance on care/restoration
source for replacing the missing gunnel clip on the leeboard thwart
I have been sailing a Grumman sailing canoe for a few years and recently refurbished and repaired a 30 year old plywood sailing skiff, but am headed into new territory here.
Many thanks.