wooden canoes for camp


New Member
We are looking for a couple of wooden canoes for our YMCA camp. We had some in the old days but now have only aluminum. As a long time canoe trip leader I want campers to have an appreciation of wooden canoes. They could be 15' to 17'. Does anyone have ideas about this?
What's your budget? Possible solutions include buying new ones from a reputable builder, to buying some old ones and make their restoration part of your program. Perhaps the first thing to try is to seek donations from your alumni...

Another idea. See if there are any members nearby who would loan their form and donate skills to teach/build from scratch? Cost of materials only. If there are funds available I'd also say get new from a pro builder nearest. Or put the word out for a donation of a well cared for older canoe (local newspaper). Is there a local wcha chapter near? I know a ymca administrator and have asked him if they have any old w/c layiing around. None that he knows of, But maybe nationally the org may have some somewhere. Probably already been bought up by wcha members, :-) peace.
cost of canoes for camp??

Thank you for your replies. What would the price range be for new wooden canoes?? say 15-17 ft.

is there a good source for used wooden ones?
Cost of Canoes?

I hate to undercut the many craftsmen out there, but here in Philadelphia there is a guy who builds very high quality 15' and 18' wooden canoes, which he sells almost exclusively to a camp up in Maine. His 18' boats go for around $1500 depending on specifics. I've paddled his canoes and they are joy, not to mention they will take a SERIOUS pounding by little kids and keep on going.

Another possibilty -- I STRONGLY support Dan's suggestion of having your campers be a part of building or restoring the canoes. I was a camper at the camp in Maine that I spoke of and we built canoes there every summer. I then went back and worked there as the resident builder. Being able to take part in building the canoes is not only tons of fun for the campers, but it makes a HUGE difference in how they take care of the wooden canoes. Good luck!
Building a stripper can be time intensive but if you can find a strongback with molds already in place, then you could build somewhat quickly.

If you want to build stitch-and-glue, I'll donate any of my plans. Many times if you contact material suppliers and can provide a letter or something, they will discount the materials to your group. I have a customer in WA who did this with System Three.