Wooden Canoe Articles Archived?


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Either I'm Swedish and therefore a slow learner, or I must be overlooking an obvious link somewhere on the WCHA website. I'm searching for an article by Alex Combs on dacron in the last Wooden Canoe magazine.

Are the back issues of the Wooden Canoe magazines archived somewhere and available for online viewing?

Gary Peterson
No, back issues are not archived for online viewing, but they are available for purchase either as single (hard) copy back issues or as a digitized set. See "WCHA Store" on the home page. The costs help run the organization, so it's a worthwhile investment for yourself and for the WCHA.
Hi Gary,

We don't put the back issues of Wooden Canoe online - getting the journal in the mail is one of the major benefits of membership in the WCHA. If we made them freely available online, there would not be as much incentive to join...

We used to have some sample articles on the web site. As we rebuild the site, some of those may appear, perhaps some of the "greatest hits" articles. But there are other things I have to do first before I can decide what to do here...

And as Michael points out, back issues are available here: http://woodencanoe.org/catalog/index.php?cPath=96

All issues can be ordered individual as paper versions, or Issues 1-135 can be had in electronic PDF format on CD.
2-CD set of Wooden Canoe

I located the 2-CD set on the website store and will order it.

Are all pages of each magazine included as PDFs, or is it just a PDF collection of the main articles from each issue?
garypete said:
Are all pages of each magazine included as PDFs, or is it just a PDF collection of the main articles from each issue?

Every page of each issue is present and accounted for...


The CD set is great... and it's a bargain price. There is a lot of great information there. Now if I could just remember all that material!

I keep thinking I should scan all the journals since the CD into pdf files, just to reduce shelf space needs, & have them more searchable. Another "Spare Time" project...