what to do about old fasteners?


I started re-building my Chestnut Playmate on the weekend.. FINALLY!
While I knew what to do with the wood parts, I'm not sure how to handle the fasteners in the rib ends.. Do I try pulling them out? Some are tacks and some are ring nails of course.. I pulled a few, but its a chore and very hard to get out without destroying the rib top.
I have heard that you simply pound them in flush and use new fasteners to fix the ribs to the inwales. Wouldn't that cause some issues with too many old nails and not enough space for the new? not to mention the outwale screws that have to find their way thru to the inwale.....
So what should be done here? Thanks.


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I carefully pull out everything I think doesn't have a purpose for being there. You could leave them but I think you'll feel better if you follow your hunch.
When in doubt I try & pull one or two out. If they are hard to remove they want to be there - so I pound all of 'em in tight. If they come out easy they want replacing. If replacing them, pound in a new ring nail in an 'old' hole, & then try removing it. If it comes out easy you'll need to predrill new holes (I always pre-drill holes). Otherwise use the old holes (I find new ring nails tend to be larger in diameter than old nails).