What is it?

Both ends are available. What does sand blasting do to wood?

it totally destroys it, raises and lowers grain like those wood signs that are so popular. looks like driftwood. run away.

nice description, they should write for Hallmark or Harlequin romance novels.
I never did see what the price was. It's going to take alot to put it back together and the sand blasting has probably ruined it anyway. Very unfortunate.
The initial question was; "What is it?"

It's a murder victim - that's what it is. Perfectly good canoe destroyed by an ignorant jerk.

Jim C.
AAAARRRRGGGGGG! 6 and 8 foot sections!! That may have been a NICE 15 foot Morris, a length that is rarely encountered. Oh, what a travesty! Isn't it a shame what ignorance breeds. Course this guy did not have an appreciation for W/C canoes nor a clue as to what a valuable item he was destroying.

Sand blasted and sawed in half. Should do the same to the owner!

From his ad: "Please, no offers of $100 or something like that.... the cost of the canoe wasn't cheap to begin with, nor are they easy to find in this condition." It's no longer a canoe, it is a pair of unfinished bookcases and he might as well finish what he started now that he destroyed the boat.

Macky - run, don't walk, in the opposite direction. As others have said, cedar is a soft wood and doesn't stand up to sand blasting which should be done sparingly to old cars not canoes.