Weather favours Killbear, record turnout!

Andre Cloutier

Firestarter. Wicked Firestarter.
The Northern Lakes Chapter and WCHA had a great turnout of 18 members amongst all the other paddlers, marathoners, outriggers and so on , and wcha participants from as far away as Michigan and Massachusetts came and sailed and paddled a wide variety of boats. The annual fish fry and corn roast came and went as usual and the water was still warm enough in Georgian Bay for a swim. Lateen rigged sailing canoes were out in force among the racing boats and outrigger canoes adding to the variety of craft. Thanks to all who made the journey, and we're looking for more WCHA members from south of the border to join us in 2011!


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more pics

boats and more boats on Georgian Bay:D


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Looks like fun -wish I could have gone but I was required to attend the Buffalo Boat Show.

Great photos

We left the UP on Thursday and the weather got nice for you! Maybe n3xt year we can attend!
John and Wendy
John and Wendy, we would love to have you. Snag a ride with Dave!
Dan, thats a lame excuse. No way a buffalo could build boats, lacking opposable thumbs as they do.
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We enjoyed meeting many of the folks at the Killbear Outing. Andre, Pam, Dave and many more that I have forgotten (names)
We stopped by Pam's shop in Orville to visit and found Dave there as well.
We had a nice visit and a tour of the canoe shop, we left with promises to see one another again soon, cant help but think of "new friends" when thinking of WCHA. Pam, I guess the calendar sealed the deal. I am going to have to "sign up" I guess, and start looking for a boat of another sort......
Any ideas out there?
Maybe I will go back to Pam's and shop.........
Randy and Teresa Orchard