Just signed up only to make this post, wish they just had a guest comment feature. Anyways, I wanted to tell you I don't know for sure its related, but this exact symbol, with the particular scrunched up Z and long vertical line is my family's chosen symbol. When i was a kid my grandfather told me it was his great grandfather's mark, which developed from his fascination with native american culture and some spiritualy stuff. story shortened, he saw this symbol in his mind whenever he achieved his desired mental state. My entire family have always been Freemasons as well as craftsman, which is where the love of symbols that gave birth to this one came from. It would honestly not surprise me in the least if someone in my distant family made this way back in the day. It was cool to see it online! Other then some currency symbol proposals that failed, i've never seen anything that resembles it outside of family keep-sakes, let alone right to the Z lol thanks for your post! glad i decided to just lookup the symbol today for something to do!