Todays Paddle


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Hello All,
headed out for a short solo paddle.
Carried and slid for a 1/4mile portage (all downhill)on the almost non existent snow down to the Columbia river
Canoe is a 10 feet Trapper model from West Coast Canoe- the Yellow Cedar Manipulator Larry Bowers
Had a very beautiful day.
Anyone else start out 2006 the correct way?
Patience I guess is the key
Here they are


  • Canoe1.JPG
    907.8 KB · Views: 508
  • Canoe2.JPG
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  • Canoe3.JPG
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Nice! Interesting tiny canoe.Re the 3rd pic, did you companion fall asleep on you, or bail out?
Thanks for sharing the start of your New Year.
Thats Minka not sleeping shes doing her job of holding down the bow and searching for wildlife ,deer and such.Lays n the bottom with her head out
Short boat

Well, dboles - you've obviously shot holes in my short boat theory, by managing to keep the right side up even in early winter - so it must be my mother-in-law dunking me.:rolleyes:

Actually, I think Larry - the Yellow Cedar Manipulator warned me about my canoe on the forum some years ago now, too. :D